April 3, 2009

Last Sunday on the Red Line III


Ben is in the army coat and Max is in the French sailor hat. The two friends were on their way back to North Hollywood after visiting another friend in the hospital near the Vermont/Sunset station when MetroProfiles spotted them. They were very friendly and chatty.

MetroProfiles: Ben, who is "Lewis"? And your striped hat is cute.

Ben: I have no idea (who Lewis is)! I bought the jacket for $5 at the Fairfax flea market. This is actually Max's hat. He gave it to a friend of ours and we were over there recently and I put it on.

Max: I found the hat on the street...

MetroProfiles: Max, nice pants - guy pants or girl pants?

Max: These are guy pants. But I've worn girl pants before. I've been wearing these pants for four days now!

MetroProfiles: Don't worry - we can't tell! So tell us about your use of the Metro? Do you take it often?

Max: I take the Metro every day. I go to school at LA City College and it gets me right there.

Ben: I actually take it pretty rarely. I've taken it to places like Chinatown. I'm still in high school - Campbell High in North Hollywood - and I drive to school. But I like the Metro and the idea that one can go to different parts of the city, to places one might not go to unless one took the Metro.

MetroProfiles: I also have a car but I think it's important if we car owners can take the Metro whenever possible. So it's nice to see you on it today Ben. Good for you.

(Note: When I said goodbye, I forgot to tell Max and Ben that I hope their friend gets better soon!)

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